Bărbat din Dej arestat! Este acuzat că a omorât, în 2013, o femeie din Anglia (VIDEO)


În această dimineață, polițiștii din cadrul Direcției de Investigații Criminale – I.G.P.R. și cei de la I.P.J. Cluj au efectuat o percheziție, la domiciliul unui bărbat, suspect de comiterea infracțiunii de omor asupra unei femei din Marea Britanie.

Este vorba despre un bărbat, de 27 de ani, cetățean român, care ar fi comis fapta la finalul anului 2013, în localitatea britanică Bosham.

Pe parcursul percheziției domiciliare de astăzi, a fost pus în aplicare și un mandat european de arestare pe numele tânărului, emis de autoritățile din Marea Britanie, suspectul urmând a fi prezentat magistraților Curții de Apel Cluj, în vederea confirmării mandatului.

La activitățile de astăzi au participat și 4 polițiști din Anglia, documentarea activității infracționale a celui în cauză fiind realizată, în cursul acestui an, de către polițiști din cadrul Direcției de Investigații Criminale – I.G.P.R., din cadrul I.P.J. Cluj, cu sprijinul Direcției de Operațiuni Speciale și I.P.J. Sălaj, sub coordonarea procurorilor din cadrul Parchetului de pe lângă Tribunalul Cluj și în colaborare cu Ambasada Marii Britanii la București – National Crime Agency.

Redăm mai jos comunicatul de presă trimis de către Poliţia din Sussex, UK:

„A man has been arrested in Romania on a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) on suspicion           of the murder of Valerie Graves in Bosham, West Sussex.

On 30 December 2013, the 55-year-old mother and grandmother was found brutally murdered in her bedroom in Smugglers Lane, Bosham. She had been staying at the property while the owners were away over the Christmas period.

28-year-old Romanian national Cristian Sabou, was arrested on xxxx at his address in Dej by officers from the Romanian National Police, who served on him the EAW which had been authorised by a district judge in the UK.  Detectives from the Surrey and Sussex Major Crime Team were present in Romania to work with the authorities there.

Sabou will now appear/is appearing/has appeared at xxxxxx court in Cluj-Napoca on xxxxx to face extradition proceedings.

Detective Chief Inspector Jon Fanner said;

“This is a major development in the case. It follows detailed enquiries in Romania by officers from the Surrey and Sussex Major Crime Team, in which we were assisted by valuable liaison with local law enforcement officers of the General Police Inspectorate Criminal Investigations Directorate, Bucharest the Criminal Investigation Service, Cluj, and the Special Operations Brigade, Cluj also the local prosecutor.

“We have worked closely with the CPS throughout and they have authorised the prosecution.

“We have also had valuable support from the National Crime Agency’s overseas network.

“Valerie’s family have been kept informed of developments but they do not wish to make any public statement at this time /OR xxxx said; “xxxxxxx

“We now hope to ensure, subject to the decision of the Romanian courts and judicial authorities, Sabou’s return to the UK for an appearance before magistrates with a view to his committal for Crown Court trial.

“This is a major development in our task of achieving justice for Valerie and her family, but the case is now before the courts, proceedings are active, and we are not in a position to disclose any further information at this time.

”Media and public are reminded that proceedings are active and therefore no comment on or opinion about the case should be published or broadcast, in news or social media, at this time.”

Newsdesk Guidance;

As soon as he is returned to the UK, Sabou will be taken directly to a Magistrate’s Court in Sussex for an initial appearance before being remanded in custody for Crown Court trial.

We are not looking for anyone else in connection with this case.

Evidence of visual identification will not be an issue at trial, and police and CPS are not making any request to media not to publish images of Sabou that may come into their possession.”.

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